About awa Travels Magazine
We read many travel magazines and books and we find they have a common pulse: they are written for folks with a generic idea of life, as if we are all just platonic friends with romance barely even hinted at.
Travel magazines will show well-dressed couples (with the man wearing a watch, for some reason) looking bored on a cruise ship. Some romance-based advertisements focus on eating, on group activities, on crowded places.
There is nothing wrong with that.
However, we want grown-up adventures, adventures with romance, with love, with lust, with passion. Not “adult” adventures — that has different connotations — but adventures that happy people are doing but magazines don’t write about.
The world is full of activities meant for grown-ups: bull fights, costume balls, topless beaches, Gay Pride parades, romantic dinners, moonlight walks on the beach, champagne in a hot tub, skinny-dipping under the stars, and drag shows. There are millions of grown-ups having these adventures every day, but good luck finding out about them.
We decided our magazine should be for grown-ups, the swath between “family friendly” and “adult”.
Another Wacky Adventure Travels is a labor of love. We publish these stories because we want to share our experiences and adventures.