Burning Man is an event that occurs annually in the Nevada desert. We have never gone. 😎
But we have attended Burning Man After Parties!
Now, you are probably wondering, “How can you attend an after party if you didn’t attend the event?” Well, the Burning Man event has a lot of rules, and so do their after parties. However, each after party is unique: for some after parties, you must know someone so you can name-drop at the entrance; for other after parties, you show up and pay a fee. We’ve been to both, and we are sharing one with you now.
This particular event is in the San Francisco area, most famous for Rice-a-Roni, fires, prisons, and, of course, bad weather. However, when you are photographing outdoor events, the thick clouds eliminate shadows, which is a blessing.
Burning Man After Parties are not (only) sit-around-and-drink events, there are numerous activities.
For me, this would be a method to induce vomiting, but other folks seemed to find it enjoyable.
If you are so inclined, you can paint. This fellow explores a dichromatic motif to its fullest.
We don’t know what they are smoking, but since this is in the San Francisco area, we can assume it’s a healthy mixture of gluten-free, organically grown and harvested fruits, grains, and vegetables, right. Nah, it’s probably ganja. A healthy mixture of gluten-free, organically grown and harvested ganja.
We have included a few more activities for you to enjoy. Enjoy!
Eating and Drinking
Or course, all those fun activities need to be fueled by something.
And what better fuel to feed hungry people than bacon, the healthiest food in the world! But that fellow should probably wait until the results come in; don’t want a greasy fetus, do we?
A plate of greasy food is the path to nirvana.
And the only practical way to wash down all that grease is with beer. Note that you do not have to drink your beer on a rooftop. You can, of course, but you don’t have to.
Seeing all these folks eating and drinking just makes you feel hungry, right?
You can’t have a good party without entertainment, and after parties are no exception.
We are not sure what the theme of this band is. The singer looks futuristic, while the two men-in-hat look like the arrived on the short bus. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A lone drummer beats out a sad melody. Well, someone has to sing the songs of the sad people, right?
There are also classic acts, such as this vaudeville troupe who entertained us.
Check out some of the other performances and performers in attendance.
People Posing
At Burning Man After Parties, people wear their best duds and are more than happy to pose for photographs.
They match each other and they are proud of it…but what do they match with? There is a theme here that eludes me.
We asked if they would stand up for a photograph, but they refused. Hmmmmm.
At least these two ladies were willing to stand at attention!
We’ve posted more posing people for your pleasure.
People Watching
People watching is a hobby of ours, and Burning Man After Parties have enough interesting people to keep us entertained.
This girl put on her best red jacket and red nose and traveled to the after party to sit in a lotus position. Because, of course she did. We think she has a secret crush on someone and is trying to get their attention. “Buy me a drink and I’ll take off my nose.”
When you are wearing a top hat and bow tie, you can look good, even at an after party. Note the chain-link fence keeping out non-after-partiers. We think this chap is waiting for his race car to bring his boots, and maybe his iron.
The beautiful eyelashes of this girls are no-doubt an attempt to distract from her facial scars, which probably resulted from a cooking accident involving pasta, hot peppers, and razor wire.
Check out some of the other people worth watching, and make up your own story. 😀
People Watching from the Rear
People come and people go, and it’s often useful to look both ways.
I suspect that this guy realized the amount of bacon to be consumed at an after party, and is just trying to save time in the porta potty. However, my wife asserts that, this being San Francisco and Burning Man, perhaps he lives on a two-way street.
She probably rode to the event on a motorcycle and burned her bottom. Wearing the short skirt helps keep it cool.
You can get to the bottom of things by watching our slide show. (â€¿Ë â€¿)
Renewing our Vows
Burning Man and Burning Man After Parties are not just about wacky people doing wacky things…oh, wait. Yes, they are. So, let’s renew our wedding vows at Rosa’s!
My wife looks like she’s thinking, “If I say ‘No’, can I really get out of this mess?” But that’s not what she’s thinking at all. She’s thinking something else entirely, like, “Did I leave the oven on?”
And so, our vows are renewed, and we continue to live in wedded bliss.

This is where Dead Pool got the idea for his wedding ring.
If you look closely, you can see a political slogan on the blushing bride’s thigh. 🙂
Burning Man
Even if you don’t want to endure the crowds, heat, dust, traffic, lines, 200 degrees inside porta potties, etc., you can have a lot of fun at an after party. Enjoy!!
One last thing: here are a few photographs from an after party we attended in San Diego a long time ago. 😛