Dec 30, 2018 | Cultural Experiences, Europe, Themed Events
The Eccentric Fashion Weekend in Kandersteg, Switzerland is an opportunity to show off your best fashion and enjoy the company of folks from all over the world. Car trains, fashion shows, latex, and meat vending machines, wonderously nestled in the Swiss Alps.
Dec 23, 2018 | Europe, Performing Arts, Romantic
A ballet, a concert, and an opera: experiencing European culture with Giselle, Pictures from Journeys, and La Traviata.
Dec 16, 2018 | Planning the Journey, Unexpected/Unexplained
Three airline reward programs, six airlines, and nine legs to get roundtrip from San Diego, California to Athens, Greece in business class. We could have booked it easier, but, where’s the entertainment value? The next time, same destination, but one reward program, one airline, and only four legs. Not as fun, but much less work!
Dec 2, 2018 | Europe, Sport and Recreation, Themed Events
The 2,300 residents of Pleiskirchen put on an annual wine festival, and we have to good fortune to be able to attend.