Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction that incorporates retrofuturistic technology and aesthetics inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery. Steampunk works are often set in an alternative history of the Victorian era or the American “Wild West”, where steam power remains in mainstream use, or in a fantasy world that similarly employs steam power.
At least, that what the Wikipedia entry states. It’s actually just an excuse to get dressed up and have fun. And there are no guidelines, because it’s all made up.
So, we have a guy with kneepads and some kind of club, a fellow with a boxing glove on the end of an extender, a diseased fellow on a chain serving drinks, and a girl with a chainsaw weapon on her arm. The Aristocrats!
Steampunk apparently includes a large paddle to paddle a large posterior. Interesting.
I imagine all those accoutrements irritate one such that one feels inclined to express hostilities.
But, not everyone is eccentrically dressed. Some folks are actually fetching.
However, not everyone wished to be identified. As with the Batman, sometimes it is better to remain anonymous.
This man or woman (who can tell with the mask, right?) is displaying a classic steampunk mask, as worn by many criminals in television shows from olden times.
This is probably a mental hospital patient, wearing a mask to prevent biting.
There is a great variety of masks in this alternate timeline.
You’ve probably noticed that Steampunkians have a mad interest in hats.
I suppose, if you’ve spend countless hours gearing up the steam engines to produce electricity, run your car, etc., etc., spending a few more hours weaving a bird cage in your hair would seem normal.
Rebecca runs a local hattery, selling to all gentlemen and ladies. Her own hat has a feather and pearl, for some reason. Everyone say “Hi” to Rebecca.
This hask straddles the world of hat and mask, providing a polite head covering while protecting the lady’s identity.
This more daring garment probes the delicate gender-bending of the Steampunk era. What next? Men with hankies??!!
Although it is not the holiday season, the robotic mayor is here to ensure the citizens are happy and prosperous.
Hat’s off to all the folks who love hats!
You have certainly noticed the gadgets folks are wearing and carrying. Let’s take a look.
Although Steampunkians have not mastered the complexity of internal combustion engines, they have created Infinity Beam Projectors, capable of projecting infinity beams. Sweet.
As long as you don’t need punctuation, you can send text messages to anyone who has a portable arm text machine receiver. “I am sorry I love you”. Yeah, better be careful…
These folks are just beginning to explore the mysteries of combining hydrocarbon, oxygen, and heat. Next on the list: Steam Hydrogen Bomb. Stay tuned.
This Authentic Message Machine uses non-steam to power itself. Maybe this fellow is in the wrong timeline…
Someone should tell this fellow that attaching the Adjustable Tele-Optik Enhancement to the pistol would be simpler and actually provide increased accuracy. But I’m not going to, because he has a gun in his hand.
I don’t know what this steam-powered gun shoots, but I’d let her shoot me with it…?
It seems like the mechanics of weaponry are too complicated to have such things as a Concealed Weapon Permit in this timeline. Can you imagine what it’s like to be an assassin?
These wings are obviously too small and underpowered to permit flight. The only function I can imagine is that they help her disperse any sign of flatulence that may linger near her bodice.
As before, there is only one function I can imagine this device could be used for.
What this timeline needs is someone to invent miniaturization. I mean, that contraption is so heavy that this fellow needs to support himself with a stick.
How to humiliate a dog. Step one: see photo.
You’re probably wondering, “What to folks in this timeline do for entertainment?” No? Well, I am.
As with many timelines, nerds play board games. Kill Doctor Lucky, a parody of Cluedo, rewards the player who murders the hapless doctor. To the right is Save Doctor Lucky, which is either a sequel or a prequel to Kill.
As in every timeline, game players use ample décolletage to gain advantage. (Author’s note: the 24th century world of Star Trek is distinctly lacking in large-busted females. Something to think about.)
There are still those who pursue the time-honored pastime of sketching a person’s likeness, those who have their likeness sketched. Good times.
Little quickens the heart more than a bawdy melody played in a parking lot. And what do we do when we hear lively music?
Soul Train steampunks along on wobbly tracks as dancers display their finest moves.
As in all timelines, some ladies have an affinity for other ladies. This is fine.
These skates are not steam powered but, still, I approve.
Penny-farthings are a common mode of transportation in this era, despite the last of steam power. Note the lack of safety helmet. Yes, men were men in those days.
Of course, there are a number of steampunk taxicab designs, none of them very efficient or safe. Yeah, one bump at highway speeds, and I’m gone.
Angelique, the Living Music Box, attempts to change a light bulb.
Katinka, the mechanical woman (compare to Data or See-Threepio) dances her way through the Steampunkian world.
Okay, we’ve been to a number of Steampunk events. So, let’s look at some of our costumes.
No need for fancy gadgets. Leather and lace works in all timelines.
I’m pretty sure this timeline has not invented proper underwear. I’m not 100% sure, but better to be safe than sorry, right?
This appears to be an early attempt at breast enhancement. Everyone seems to be having a good time…as it should be!
Posing with the less-fortunate makes for good PR. Besides, he’s cute, amirite?
I wanted to know what happened to his eye, and why he’s so pasty, and why there is a ship on his hat, and so many other things. But, I didn’t.
As I pointed out at the beginning of this article, there are no rules for the Steampunk timeline. So if I want to be a girl in a red-body suit, then that’s what I’ll be. Maybe I’m a superhero or something. Yeah, SuperRed, that’s me! My superpower is that I’m dressed mostly in red.
This can be my sidekick, Goldenboy or Silverboy or something, or maybe just Boy. He is posing in front of the Redmobile.
And here we can see the great variety of fashion statements seen in this timeline. We approve.
But wait, there’s more!
Montreal Fetish Weekend also has a Steampunk event, conveniently called Night of the Masks – Steampunk.
You can see that this alternative timeline is a bit more suited to grownup activities.
Don’t ask me to explain all of this. I’m not an expert in Steampunk.
So, I leave you with this lovely ending photograph. Stay turned for our next wacky adventure!